Saturday, April 7, 2012

..Additional ..

I have finally got round to adding my Twitter and Business Facebook links to the bottom of the main page.

And tidying up my links, Contact Me and, About pages. It really had been a long time since I looked at any of those :(. Hopefully the contact me page now works (it seemed to have stopped).

Right - back to the photography :)

Websites Can Stump Even The I.T Literate

May be I should have targeted to write once a month, I seem to be able to manage that :)

I finally got some new photos to add to the "For Sale" gallery. I logged in to the server only to find everything had changed, the layout, the formatting, everything. Something which should have taken minutes took considerably longer, as I attempted to find visibility options, sales options, etc.

Finally managed the upload and now there are images of the two robins which live in my garden available.

However I still need to figure out how to add a new gallery to the website so I can load more of my wildlife photography.